All My Loves

Just to be like the sun


A friend was telling me chrysanthemim konnyaku jelly was nice, tasted and I quite like it, and decided to make some. I have not made any konnyaku jelly before.

We have been drinking chrysanthemim tea all along, whether it's at the restaurant or at home and the flowers is suppose to have some medicinal properties and is good for our body especially when it's a hot day. It's a good way of making into small little jellies, especially when you open the frig, on and off, there's goes one into your mouth....


16 gm Konnyaku Powder } Mix together
50 gm of Sugar }

50 gms Chrysanthemun Flowers } Boil water and one water boil put in the flowers
1500 litres of water } and let it boil for awile and let it infuse

150 gm rock sugar

Take 950ml boiled chrysanthemum water and boil together with rock sugar.
Once boil, add in Konnyaku powder + sugar in.
Stir and one boil, remove from fire
Pour into moulds and frig

If you want, you can add in some wolfberries or the flower in the mould for decoration


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Working mum with a loving hushand and a grown up daughter and has love for another 7 lovely angels

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