All My Loves

Just to be like the sun

Pandan Paste

Today went of Bakery Mart at macpherson to buy some things, enquire whether do they have pandan paste, indeed they have and they sell at 1 kg bottle form.

I use ieatihootipost's recipe to bake pandan chiffon cake without using pandan leave, I use this paste instead. I still have half packet of coconut milk in the fridge and short of some amount, I just add water. For me the most important is the pandan paste itself, so that if it is fragant, I will not have a hassle of blending pandan leaves.

Overall, hubby and collegues love it, especially the texture, soft.


Passionate About Baking December 19, 2011 at 5:22 PM  

How do you like the recipe? I like it very much. That's a lot of pandan paste to have! Must find out where is this bakery mart. Sounds interesting. :)
I like pandan chiffon, but still find it a challenge to bake.

Doris December 21, 2011 at 6:13 PM  

quite good, most of them tasted love the texture, the pandan paste I purchased not bad

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Working mum with a loving hushand and a grown up daughter and has love for another 7 lovely angels

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