All My Loves

Just to be like the sun


Yesterday went to a family gathering, and they requested for mee siam and they commented that it taste better than last year. I dunno know because when each time, I prepare the same dish, I will use a slightly different method in frying. I don't have a specify recipe, I just estimate but I like to put in alot of small and big onions in my chilli paste. Glad they like it.

At the same time, I bake a surprise cake for them. this time, I baked and assemble y Black Forest Cake in a square form. It's a practice for me and in a hurry to bake the cake, I forget to put in the butter, luckily the cake still rise and taste okay.


Passionate About Baking February 1, 2010 at 4:38 PM  

Hi Doris,
Yummy! I love mee siam! You fried dried mee siam is it? And the sambal prawns or what? You're terrific!
And the blackforest cake looks so wonderful! But I wonder how it taste like without butter? Floury? You're really an expert for blackforest cake liao. Can order from you?

Doris February 1, 2010 at 7:28 PM  

Hi Jane,

thanks for the comments, No the cake is not floury because this cake requires very little butter.
Yup sambal prawns and actually the mee siam got gravy, not capture in pics.

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Working mum with a loving hushand and a grown up daughter and has love for another 7 lovely angels

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